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Showing posts with the label Playful Pups

A Day in the Life of Rawlf: Playtime with Mum

I wanted to share a pawsome day in the life of my doggo, Rawlf. He's a german shepherd pup, full of energy and always ready for some fun! Today, he had the most amazing time playing with his mum, and I just had to tell you all about it.   Morning Mischief 🌞 The day started bright and early, as usual. Rawlf woke me up with his happy barks and wagging tail. He was super excited because he knew it was playtime with mum. Rawlf and his mum. The Chase Begins! 🏃‍♀️🐕 As soon as we stepped into the backyard, Rawlf couldn't contain his excitement. He started chasing mum around, his little paws moving as fast as they could. Mum, being the wise and experienced, dodged his playful attacks with ease. It was hilarious to watch them, Rawlf trying to catch her but always ending up just a bit too slow. 😂 Tug-of-War Time! 🧸 Next up was their favorite game - tug-of-war! I brought out their special rope toy, and boy, did things get intense! Rawlf grabbed one end with his tiny teeth, and Mum to